Saturday, September 3, 2016

The Wedding Coordinator

Evan Smith was one of the deacons on call for a wedding that was being held at the Friendship Cathedral Church. He would not have normally been at the church for a wedding, but it was his week to open up the church. He usually managed to avoid working weddings at the church. He preferred to work the funerals that were held at the church.

He shook his head as he began to make his third walk through. About every 20 minutes, the deacon in charge was supposed to walk the hallways, the vestibule, and the sanctuary to ensure that everyone was in the right place and doing the right things. So far, things were going good.

Evan had worked at wedding or two before this and usually something crazy would eventually happen. He had been praying that this wedding would be different.

In the back of his mind, he kept hearing, "Man, this is gonna be a crazy one and you know it. It's gonna be a crazy one."

He knew that kept going through his mind because his sister had said, "You know you gotta tell me what happens today," before he left the house.

Evan kept hoping for the best, but he was ready for the worst.

Evan turned up the long hallway of the church. The wedding coordinator was walking down the hallway towards him. She had too much stuff in her hands.

Evan shook his head as he thought, "Why does she have all of that stuff in her hands? She is going to drop something."

As she got closer to Evan, he began to look down at the floor. He did not want to look directly at the woman because he would have been staring at the wrong part of her anatomy. She had on a low cut blouse and she wasn't leaving much to Evan's imagination.

The woman smile at Evan as she got closer to him. He quickly smiled at her and then went back to looking at the floor. The wedding coordinator dropped some of the stuff that was in her hands. She uttered an expletive. Startled at what he had heard the woman say in the house of God, Evan looked up at the woman. The coordinator bent over to pick up her stuff. As Evan watched the woman, her GIRLS popped out of her blouse as if they were supposed to do that. The woman, unmoved, popped her GIRLS back into their rightful place, picked her stuff up off the floor, and walked down the hallway pasted Evan as if nothing had happened.

Evan stood speechless in the hallway for a few minutes. Once he regained his composure, he looked around to see if anyone else was in the hallway with him. He could not believe that he was the only who had witnessed the scene that had just unfolded. Evan shook himself out of the daze he was in. He started laughing so hard that he had to lean up against the wall to keep from falling over. No one was going to believe the story that he had to tell.