Saturday, September 3, 2016


Adeline Taylor brushed her long curly auburn hair behind her ear. The world revolved around her. She knew, her family knew it, and as soon as everyone else quit fighting the notion, they would know it. No one else's feelings matter to her. No one else's thoughts mattered to her. It was all about Adeline Taylor.

Adeline's father picked her up from school. Her friend Tracy Hankins said goodbye to her. Adeline did not say anything. Adeline did not even acknowledge Tracy at that moment. Tracy turned and looked at Ron Parks, another friend of Adeline.

Ron shrugged his shoulders as he said, "Bye Adeline."

No response from Adeline. Ron made his famous mean face. Megan Sayers thought it would be different when she said goodbye to Adeline, but it was not. Megan got the same response as the other two friends received, none.

Adeline's dad looked at her and said, "You're friends said goodbye. You need to say goodbye."

Adeline ignored her dad and walked to the car. Adeline's dad turned to her friends and said, "Goodbye guys. See you tomorrow."

Tracy rolled her eyes. Ron made a face. Megan smiled. At that moment, they did not care about Adeline or her father.

The three mistreated friends watched Adeline get into her car. They watched the car drive off.

After Adeline's car was out of sight, Tracy said, "I am so tired of her not speaking to us. I am tired of always having to play what she wants to play. I am not going to be her friend anymore."

Ron chimed, "I am not going to be her friend either. No one else likes her, so she want have anyone else to play with."

Megan did not say anything.

Tracy looked at Megan and said, "So, are you going to still be her friend?"

Megan looked down at the ground. Megan liked Adeline. Yes, the auburn haired girl could be bossy and demanding, but Megan liked her anyway.

Tracy twisted her lips, "Yea, you are going to be her friend anyway. You can spend your whole day playing whatever Adeline wants; I am not going to do it anymore!"

Tracy stormed off.

Ron and Megan rode home together, so he waited with Megan until their ride came.

Megan asked Ron, "Are you really not going to be Adeline's friend?"

Ron boldly responded, "I am not her friend anymore! I don't like her either!"

Megan did not say anything else.


Adeline arrived at school at her usual time. She always came later than everyone else. She wanted everyone to be there when she walked in the room. Today, something was different. No one stopped what they were doing. No one came over to her to say hello. No one told her how pretty she looked in her pink outfit. No one paid her any attention.

In her loudest indoor voice, Adeline said, "Mrs. Gitter, I am here today."

Mrs. Gitter smiled at Adeline and said, "I see that Adeline. Put your backpack in your locker and go to a table and work with your friends."

Adeline put her backpack in her locker and then walked over to Mrs. Gitter. Adeline tapped Mrs. Gitter on her arm, "Mrs. Gitter, do you like my new pink outfit?"

Mrs. Gitter looked up at Adeline, "Yes, Adeline. It is very pretty. Go find a place to sit and do your table top work."

Adeline smiled and hugged Mrs. Gitter.

Adeline went to the table where Tracy, Ron, and Megan were. Adeline reached for some of the blocks that were on the table.

Ron moved the blocks out of Adeline's reach, "These are mine." Adeline huffed and then reached for some blocks close to Tracy.

Tracy moved the blocks as she made a face at Adeline. Adeline rolled her eyes and stuck out her tongue. Tracy stuck her tongue out at Adeline.

Adeline said, "Mrs. Gitter, Tracy stuck her tongue out at me." Mrs. Gitter did not respond.

Adeline took matters into her own hands. She grabbed some of the blocks from Tracy's hand. Tracy hit Adeline on the arm. Adeline started to cry and ran over to Mrs. Gitter.

"Mrs. Gitter, Tracy hit me."

Mrs. Gitter stopped working with the student she was working with and said, "Adeline, you need to go talk to your friend and work it out. Tell her how you feel."

Adeline, unsatisfied with Mrs. Gitter's response, walked back over to Tracy. Adeline looked at Tracy and said, "Mrs. Gitter said you need to say you're sorry for hitting me." Tracy ignored Adeline. Adeline repeated her previous statement. Tracy ignored her again.

Adeline walked back over to Mrs. Gitter, "Tracy is ignoring me."

Mrs. Gitter walked over to Tracy and said, "Tracy, your friend is trying to talk to you. Please pay attention and listen."

Tracy quickly looked at Adeline and then looked back down at the floor.

Adeline said, "Tracy you hurt my feelings when you hit me." With Mrs. Gitter watching, Tracy responded, "Sorry."

Adeline smiled as Mrs. Gitter walked off.

Adeline had won this round, but she was not going to win the war. Tracy and her friends had a lot more in store for her.